The Basic Day Of Wood (BDOW) run by the PGIC at Crogen (Outdoor and uneven surfaces), consists of training methods, defence and counter-attack strategies, inc Take-downs, using various wooden staffs/batons. The BDOW is for Green or above.
Marbo ~ Basic Day Trainers
The Basic Day Of Sparring (BDOS) run by the PGIC at Crogen (Outdoor and uneven surfaces), consists of 101 Sparring exercises, each designed to enhance a particular technical skill or strategy. The BDOS is for G1 or above.
Streetcraft, (BDOSC) is the collection of skills survive on the streets of the towns and cities of the world. The BDOSC is for Green or above.
The Member will learn how to deal with: being stranded in a foreign country, being caught up in a political situation abroad, being followed at night on your way back from dinner or a night out, having your personal belongings gone through while you are away from home, being followed by a car, needing to blend-in to an environment in order to avoid being singled out by those that would wish to target you, and make you their victim in any shape or form.
The Basic Day Of Zamora (BDOZ) is run by the PGIC at Crogen and consists of, defence and counter-attack strategies, inc Take-downs, using the pocket sized Zamora. The BDOZ is for G2 or above.
All basic day trainers - £35.00
"Enjoyable sessions and I'm learning a martial art that actually works." Ben
email Alex: