The Five “Prime” Protocols and the twenty three Branch Protocols of The Pathwalker Guild are the basic rules all members, regardless of rank or service, are expected, and obligated to obey. The Protocols are not a substitute for a members personal code of honour, or religious beliefs.

The Protocols have been adapted over time. For example; the centuries old Protocol 2 states that every Pathwalker must carry “fire and blade”, purely as survival tools; fire, a symbol of Light, and Pathwalker hospitality and the blade, a tool of freedom and industry, never weapons*. However, in those countries where the carriage of a small pocket knife is forbidden by law, the member must obey the law of the land. Another example of the updating of The Pathwalker Protocols is that, as long as MSMAS runs classes in hired halls, venue risk assessments need to be completed, relevant 3rd party insurance secured, and due heed paid to the hiring conditions and local law.
*The Pathwalker is capable of self-defence without the need to resort to a bladed weapon.

In an effort to bring the Pathwalker Guild into the 20th century, elements of the “United Nations Declaration of Human Rights” have been used to ensure best practice, equality and equal rights within both The Pathwalker Guild and MSMAS.

All members are provided with copies of “The 5 Prime Protocols” and “The 23 Branch Protocols“. An unabridged copy of “The Protocols of The Pathwalker Guild” is available from the PG Members Secretary (Memsec).
The Branch Heads and Instructors are additionally bound by The PGIC Codes of Practice and Conduct.
For more information please see -
email Alex: