The Red Path is the Basic Marbo course and gateway to "Full" membership of the Pathwalker Guild.
The Red Path is a stand-alone "Apex" Martial Art providing much more than just a basic level of effective Self defence / unarmed combat.
Marbo ~ Martial Arts
The Black Path (Advanced; the Master Craftsmen of the Pathwalker Guild).
This level of training confers an exemplary multiple attacker defence capability and access to the esoteric Pathwalker training (Sandman).
Marbo is taught as three Paths:
Red Path [Basic], Green Path [Intermediate] and Black Path [Advanced]
Membership subs - £5.00 pcm.
Session fees - £7.50 for employed. £5.00 students / unemployed.
The Green Path (Intermediate) provides expertise and competency in many elements of strategic personal defence. The members strength, endurance and flexibility are greatly enhanced.
Added to which, the member now has access to many specialist courses as well as the members Sanctuary in Transylvania.
"To me Marbo is a fellowship of brilliant people who help and trust each other and I've learnt to defend myself." Gemma, (PG Central).
email Alex: