It has been said that The Pathwalker Guild creates iconic experiences for its members; at Crogen, the Green Circle, Flatrock and the last Circuit on Grading day. Or the "forever days" at the Pathwalker Sanctuary in Transylvania. These are all memorable and [usually] life-changing experiences that are unique to The Pathwalker guild.
Crogen & The PG Sanctuary
Crogen is the main [Red and Green Path] training base of The Pathwalker Guild and is located in a secluded valley in North Wales (UK), terraformed to fit the multi surface and terrain requirements of the Pathwalker Guilds [Marbo] training methods.
The Pathwalker Sanctuary is the Guilds East European members retreat is on the high plateau of Eastern Transylvania in the foothills of the Carpathian mountains; Instructors courses, Red Path training (residential), Green Path training (residential), and supplemental [certificated] courses include Staff, Baton, Zamora and the more esoteric Sandman training.

Through the application of permaculture knowledge, the PG Sanctuary provides 97% of its own energy requirements through solar power and the use of sustainable [carbon neutral] fuel. The Sanctuary also benefits from having its own water supply in the form of a mountain fed well, the local water being of high quality, cold, clear and very refreshing.
Knowledge and experience of The Pathwalker Sanctuary is a privilege of membership, not a right.
For more information please see -
email Alex: